
Change is what they want...

I was thinking about the elections earlier this week. It seems that politicians have caught on to the new buzz word that equates with "electable."

Citizens recognize something is wrong with our country, and that something needs to be different. However, it seems that the majority of citizens are willing to accept anything that resembles a chance at something different. This is very dangerous, and has a great potential to lead our country to its ruin. Many (but not all) voters are being lead down a hidden path by the piper who can best play the tune of change.

1 comment:

anon said...

I listened to a catholic Radio station yesterday that was discussing the "Catholic Vote." Statistics were given that during the 2008 elections "Catholic" votes went towards candidates who conflict with our beliefs when "lesser evils" were available to vote on. This year, there was an 18 point difference in the "Catholic" vote where now the majority has shifted towards moral candidates (or the lesser evils). The gist of the radio commentary is that Catholics are finally coming around. I certainly hope this change of heart is the case, but I suspect that this 18 point difference had more to do with voters simply wanting change for the sake of change.